Tuesday, September 22, 2015

DAY 5 at INDONESIA (Monday, 10/8/15)

Received a proper task from supervisor regarding on promoting E-Learning product. What is E-Learning? and contribution itself to community? theoretical idea,  E-Learning is utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom.

Details explaination about E-Learning
Why they important to community especially Indonesian? E-Learning able to help community lively even it work in a virtual way. As we know, Indonesia is a largest country that populate almost 250 million people. 

Kita nak semua masyarakat Indonesia mendapat pendidikan tambahan yang lengkap dan cepat. Memandangkan Indonesia memiliki kepulauan yang luas, jadi guru-guru hebat sukar untuk mencapai ke setiap pulau dan memantau pendidikan mereka. Jadi dengan E-Learning ini, para pelajar dan guru-guru dapat berkongsi ilmu dengan seluas luasnya tanpa ada halangan disamping dapat menjimatkan kos.

So, we need to promote what is E-Learning for and their benefits on how they help people in effecient way.

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